
O dia a dia dum atarefado jovem na azafama da cidade

Friday, August 22, 2008

aviso a todos os leitores

letras escritas ao acaso 




youre breaking , thunder clap newman

come in come in wigman

this is you control

i cant hear you thunderclap

there are 2 bogies on your back

8 oclock wigman

take them down

i have fired my nerfs but to no result

the squirrels are still on the chase, come in

wigman this is control

take the red pill, the red pill

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh squirrellsss i will not perish

victory is ourrrrrsss


control control, this is thunderclap, bella2 is down

bella2 is down

there is a bat all over him

drop the bomb drop the bom!!!!

ahhhhhh control i have... (static)


control control, we are all  ok, we have dropped the acid bomb ,

now they are all tripping

heading back home control

ok ok 10-4 , come in formation

wigman... ahhhh, i have a bogey at brain oclock

noise noise

and that good for you

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